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Willowbrook Fashion Show 2023

We hosted our Willowbrook Fashion show on 23rd March and were so proud to showcase the sustainable fashion we offer in our shops. What a night it was!! We want to thank everyone that came along and made the night such a success helping us to raise over £3500! 💚💙

Special thanks to:

⭐️All the models who were volunteers, staff and patients.

⭐️Our venue, Village Hotel Club who were great hosts.

⭐️C&L Events for an amazing set and catwalk.

⭐️Everyone who provided raffle prizes.

⭐️Staff who organised and work so hard organising the event.

⭐️Volunteers who supported the evening.

⭐️Peter Edge, our compere.

⭐️Our headline sponsor Jessie & Co.

⭐️Our category sponsors real5 Networking Knowsley, Pheasant Lodge and Saunders Financial.

⭐️Goodie bag items from Aimia Foods, Tropic – Catherine Flounders, Not Just Travel – Marcus Edwards.

⭐️@newera_danceacademy for opening the show.

⭐️@girlinthemirror_linseyread for their section of the show. You were all amazing!!

⭐️Paul from Prism Studios for filming the event.

⭐️Our Hair and Make Up Artists:






@coconailsprescot and Renaissance Skincare and Beauty in Prescot for treating 3 of our models to treatments.

⭐️ Photos by our volunteer Tony!

Together we are Willowbrook!!

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.