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£800 donation received from Rainhill WI

We were delighted to receive an £800 donation from the wonderful ladies from the Rainhill Women’s Institute! The donation was made following a fabulous afternoon tea and fashion show organised by the WI, with support from local businesses in the area – Rainhill Co Op, Blundells Hill Golf Club and Jessie & Co. The fashion […]

Willowbrook attends St Helens Rotary Meeting

It was a pleasure to represent Willowbrook Hospice at the St Helens Rotary International meeting recently. Our Fundraising Facilitator and Head of Volunteering delivered a presentation on the wonderful work we do at Willowbrook Hospice to new and existing members. Willowbrook has had a fantastic long-term relationship with this group and we hope this continues […]

Hughie Shacklock Fundraising Day

On Sunday 21st July, an amazing group of people came together to remember Hughie Shacklock. Hughie received the services of Willowbrook Hospice and in his memory they wanted to give back to Willowbrook and the L14 Community Centre, both causes very close to Hughie’s, and their hearts. Friends, family and supporters attended a fun day […]

H Fest hailed a huge success!

HFEST was held on Saturday 20th July at Park Farm Community Centre in St Helens. This fundraising event was held in memory of Helen and Hannah, Willowbrook is close to the hearts of their family & friends. Carly and her team put together H fest. The day was about ‘living the life you dreamed’. It […]

Thank You Polly!

Polly came to the hospice to provide her usual therapy dog services to our patients and their families. She was very proud to sit with the big cheque too. The recent Fur on the Field event raised an amazing £1600. The event was organised by Polly’s owner Sue and volunteers at St Mark’s Church. Thank […]

Introduction to Palliative Care Course for Health Care Assistants

We wanted to share some positive feedback from care colleagues about their experience with our training for the Palliative Care Introduction course delivered by Willowbrook, the response speaks volumes – they not only found it informative but truly brilliant, and it resonated deeply with them. Some quotes: “In the realm of social care, upskilling the […]

‘How To Look After A Grieving Elephant’

Thank you to Wonder Arts, Heart of Glass and Child Bereavement UK for delivering a wonderful project with our Outreach Team. ‘How to Look After a Grieving Elephant (and other social animals)’ workshop, investigated how social animals show signs of grief. Along the way, the children took part in creative activities and had conversations exploring […]

Brookie Bear visits Parish Primary School

Brookie Bear had the pleasure of visiting Parish Primary School on 12th July. Our wonderful volunteer Mrs Kells has been working with the children in Year 5 and today they held an activity day, raising fantastic awareness of Willowbrook. Brookie and our partnerships fundraiser, Bev visited Y2 while they were there. They had some fantastic […]

Social Prescribers supporting Willowbrook’s Chatty Café

It was great to meet with Andrea Irvine and Laura Rooney, Social Prescribers from St Helens Central Primary Care Network. Andrea and Laura attended our first Chatty Café which we will now be working in partnership with this NHS network. We are looking forward to supporting one another in our local community.

Thank you RSM UK (Liverpool)

Thank you to Rachael from RSM UK (Liverpool) who came over to our hospice to help the gardening team out! We always welcome extra support, whether it be for a few hours or a day! If you work for an organisation and would like to do some Corporate Volunteering, we would be happy to hear […]

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.