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Moonlight Walk 2024

What a special night we had on Saturday evening at our Moonlight Walk which returned to the roads for the first time since 2020! ⭐️🌚⭐️

Together, we have raised over £12,000!!

This is just an incredible amount for our hospice, and it wouldn’t have been possible without all our supporters.

We have lots of people to thank:

🌛Britannia Taxis for generously sponsoring the night.

⭐️ @nphfitnesscamp for giving up their time to help warm up our supporters.

🌛 Miguel Doforo for bringing along his fantastic dancers to entertain our crowds.

⭐️ Rainhill Rotary for marshalling the routes and cheering on our supporters along the way.

🌛 Our fantastic volunteers for supporting the event through marshalling, manning stalls, providing encouragement, and so much more!

⭐️ Colin Armstrong Photography for donating his free time to capture the memories from the night.

🌛 We Help Recruit Gary Ward for compering!

⭐️ My SPAR on Prescot Road for very kindly handing out free chocolate to our walk-ers.

🌛 Super ices for their delicious ice cream!

We also wish to thank everyone who tooted their car horns along the 6k route, the community spirit was just electric!

We loved meeting our supporters, it was truly heartwarming to hear so many stories from families who have experienced our services first hand and joined us at sunset to raise vital funds for our hospice.

As you will see from our video, it was the perfect evening for the walk, with special memories made. We took time to reflect , and remember why the walk was so important. From a little dachshund to an 83 year old lady, our evening was inclusive to everyone.

We are thrilled to share that we are offering an Early Bird offer to those wanting to register for next year’s walk, for a limited time only!

Save the date for Saturday 13th September 2025, the link to register is:…/WillowbrookMoonlightWalk…


Thank you again to everyone who supported the Moonlight Walk 2024. ⭐️

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.