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This is Hospice Care – Irene’s story

Irene Wills is a volunteer at Willowbrook Hospice, and today we are sharing why she has named Willowbrook in her Will.

Irene said, “My husband was a patient at Willowbrook Hospice for five days before he sadly passed away, in 2015. The way he was looked after by the staff was marvellous. They not only looked after my husband, but they took care of me too. They were really supportive after he passed away also.

It was after the loss of my husband that I had a bit of a light bulb moment, and it made me wonder what would I do with my house if anything was to happen to me, as we have no children to pass it down to. It was then that I decided I would leave some of my estate to Willowbrook as a thank you for all that they did for us.

It was really straightforward to do, I went to a solicitor who helped me write my will. I felt that it was the right thing to do, and would encourage anyone else in a similar position as me to do the same.

After a year of receiving bereavement counselling from Willowbrook, I decided to devote some time to volunteering for the hospice, and ever since then I have helped out at The Living Well reception doing one afternoon a week, and really enjoy it.

I would recommend volunteering as it gets me out and about and I feel a sense of purpose.”

Thank you Irene for sharing your story. We are so thankful for your kindness and generosity 🩵💚

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