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Andy Reid STF v FC Willowbrook

FT| Andy Reid MBE – Standing Tall Foundation 3 -2 FC Willowbrook

A battle where we fell just short. Congratulations to the opposition. We can’t wait to announce the date for the rematch‼️

Thank you to those in attendance your support is greatly appreciated.

If you were unable to make it to the match you can now watch the game via the below link:…/1OYvTbOr7CLN63Z2DkVkxk8o6Ih4…

Any donations are also welcomed via the link here:

Thank you to Colin Armstrong for capturing the brilliant images!

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.