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Brookie Bear visits Parish Primary School

Brookie Bear had the pleasure of visiting Parish Primary School on 12th July. Our wonderful volunteer Mrs Kells has been working with the children in Year 5 and today they held an activity day, raising fantastic awareness of Willowbrook.

Brookie and our partnerships fundraiser, Bev visited Y2 while they were there. They had some fantastic questions for Bev about Brookie. We’ve listed a few below with the answers…
🐻 How old is Brookie? Brookie is 27 years old, he’s the same age at the hospice. 🎈
🐻 Where does Brookie live? Brookie lives in the gardens at the hospice. 🌳
🐻 Can Brookie drive a car? No, Brookie can’t drive and we don’t think he’d be a very good driver. 🚗
🐻 Has Brookie got any friends? Yes Brookie makes friends with everyone he meets and his best friend is Boots the @saints1890 mascot! 🐶
If your school would like to get involved in raising funds and have a visit from Brookie, please email

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To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.