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Houghwood Golf Club chooses Willowbrook Hospice as Charity of the Year

It was great to meet Fran Carrington (Lady Captain), and Billy Wright (Captain) from Houghwood Golf Club. They have chosen Willowbrook Hospice as their nominated Charity of the Year during their captaincy. This is what they said: “As Captains of Houghwood Golf Club, we both wanted to support the same charity, and thought that as […]

Senior Staff Nurse Lauren Takes on Skydive Challenge!

Meet Senior Staff Nurse, Lauren. Lauren has signed up to do a Skydive in aid of Willowbrook Hospice to help raise some much needed funds. We caught up with Lauren to find out why she wanted to take on this challenge. “I have worked for Willowbrook Hospice for seven years now. When training to be […]

5 Star Hospice Kitchen!

Our hospice kitchen has got 5 stars! Our kitchen had a food hygiene inspection from St Helens Council and we are proud to announce we have been awarded the 5-star rating. This is the highest rating that can be achieved, and is down to the hard work and dedication that our catering, housekeeping and maintenance […]

Glowing for Willow!

Wow! Rainhill literally glowed for Willow! Huge thanks to NPH Fitness Camp for all their dedication to help raise over £5,000 for Willowbrook! Thank you to everyone who took part, we all hope that you enjoyed it! Photography credit: Colin Armstrong Photography

Important Notice from Pennine Events Ltd/LCL Bike Ride

Please see an important message below regarding the LCL Bike Ride. All entrants have been contacted by email and we will update you once we have more news: “It is with a heavy heart that we have to update you on the news that LCL Bike Ride’s operator, Pennine Events Ltd has ceased trading with […]

Plant Sale

Our plant sale is back for 2024! We will be selling bedding plants and perrenials in the marquee at The Living Well on Friday 10th May and Saturday 11th May from 10am to 3pm! This sale is usually a sell out! Please share with family and friends who might not have access to social media. […]

London Marathon Heroes

A huge well done to Phil and Becky who completed the TCS London Marathon at the weekend! They’ve both individually raised a phenomenal amount of money for Willowbrook Hospice. What an achievement.

Thank You to our Supporters

Thank you We want to say a HUGE thank you to all of our supporters, as without you, we simply wouldn’t be able to continue providing our specialised care Did you know that for every 24 hours, it costs Willowbrook £960 to care for one patient? It costs £4.8m per year to run all our […]

Regular Giving

Did you know that there are a number ways for you to get involved with supporting Willowbrook Hospice? One of the ways is through Regular Giving – this is vital to ensure we are able to care for those in the community of St Helens and Knowsley who needs us. Ways you can support us: […]

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.