Community Resources
Community Resources
Would you like to know what help and support is available in St. Helens & Knowsley? It can be so frustrating when you’re trying to find help with a particular issue but don’t know who to ask. At a time when we have access to more information than ever before, we can easily become overwhelmed and give up before we get the support we need.
You may need:
- Information on end of life care, bereavement, social or legal matters
- Help to access support services
- Or you might want to meet new people and develop new interests
Contact us
Willowbrook is here to help. Let us do the hard work and we will do our best to connect you with the many wonderful organisations supporting our community.
You can contact us via Family Liaison on 0151 430 8736 ext. 3521 or speak to a member of Outreach Services on 0151 430 8736 ext. 3554/3555 or 3520