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Gift in wills

Gifts in Wills have always been an important source of funding for Willowbrook Hospice.

Every year the hospice receives legacies in all shapes and sizes through gifts in Wills. Each one is a vital contribution towards the hospice’s running costs.

You can help care for generations to come by remembering the hospice in your Will after your loved ones have been taken care of.

Anyone undertaking legal decisions should ensure they have all the information available to make appropriate informed decisions.

Gifts in Wills

Gifts in Wills have always been an important source of funding for Willowbrook Hospice.

Every year the hospice receives legacies in all shapes and sizes through ‘Gifts in Wills’ and each one is a vital contribution towards the care the hospice provides. We only receive 28% of our daily running costs from the NHS, the rest must come from our local community through fundraising, donations and using our shops and café. Many people also choose to leave an amount to charities as part of their wishes after they have died. However, current research suggests that 60% of adults in the UK do not have a current will in place. Making a will is an important step for everyone so you can take care of your loved ones and perhaps provide for their future life.

Even if you left just 1% of your estate to charity, this would help Willowbrook meets its costs and still leaves 99% of your estate for your family. You can help care for generations to come by remembering Willowbrook in your Will, perhaps to say thank you for the care they received at the hospice.

However, for anyone undertaking legal decisions, you should always consult a registered solicitor to ensure you have all the information available to make an appropriate informed decision.

You can find a solicitor by going to the registered solicitor website:  Solicitor Regulation Authority 

If you already have a solicitor please speak to them if you feel you would like to update your will to include a gift to Willowbrook. 


Our full charity details are: “Willowbrook Hospice” Charity Number 1020240 and our registered office is at Portico Lane, Prescot, Merseyside, L34 2QT.

Get in touch

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.