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Introduction to Palliative Care Course for Health Care Assistants

We wanted to share some positive feedback from care colleagues about their experience with our training for the Palliative Care Introduction course delivered by Willowbrook, the response speaks volumes – they not only found it informative but truly brilliant, and it resonated deeply with them.

Some quotes:

💬 “In the realm of social care, upskilling the workforce is paramount, and navigating the myriad of courses available – that is of benefit- can be challenging. This course has been invaluable; it has enhanced the teams proficiency and sparked a renewed sense of dedication… the team were literally buzzing with enthusiasm.”

💬 “I want to say Thank You to you and your team for coordinating and leading on this sensitive subject matter; you are helping to shape a more knowledgeable and compassionate local care team and I am most grateful.

💬 “The training was very informative and has given me a better insight to End of Life Care. I have told other carers about how brilliant the course was.”

💬 “It was great. I felt I learnt so much and it has made me think differently about how I provide care and how I can better look after those who are at the end of their life.”

💬 “I have learnt a lot – the training was great – and I feel more confident in supporting people with End of Life care needs”

If you would be interested in finding out some more details or would like to book on, please click here: 🔗…/


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