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St Helens Colour Run 2024

We held the second St Helens Colour Run last Saturday, 29th June at Victoria Park, and raised over a magnificent £14,000!!

Working in partnership with St Helens Council and the Active Lives and Sports Development team,it was incredible to see the numbers had increased from 2023, to 500 registered participants! The rain fortunately didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits, which happened to stop perfectly in time for the warm up!

The event was very generously sponsored by Alliance Connectivity, their Directors, Boris and Craig even took part in the run themselves, which was a 4k route in total around the park.

Thank you to the marshalls and all the volunteers who helped out and thoroughly enjoyed cheering the supporters on during their run, whilst throwing cups of colourful powder!

From families, to groups, to the little ones to the not so little ones, no matter the age, there were smiles and laughter aplenty!

Suzanne Davies, Fundraising Manager said: “We are thrilled with the amount of sponsorship that our amazing community has raised so far! The feedback we have had from today really has been wonderful. Hearing stories about why people chose to run for Willowbrook is heartwarming.

We intend to grow this event each year, and proud to say that we will be extending the numbers for the 2025 Colour Run so that more people can take part, so save the date for 28th June 2025.

Hearing stories from participants who knew someone who had accessed our service, and then chose to fundraise to give back for the amazing care their loved one received, shows the importance of supporting local causes like Willowbrook Hospice, as you never know when someone you know, may need us one day.

Whilst our care is free to access to the people of St Helens and Knowsley, it isn’t free to provide. We have to pay our staff, and everything else needed to run the hospice 24/7, with only £1.7m funding from the NHS, we have to find £3.5m per year to cover the running costs.

So thank you to everyone, for supporting the Colour Run! This amount raised will really make a big difference.”

Thank you to our volunteer photographers – Colin Armstrong and Bernard Platt for capturing these fantastic images below! Thank you also to Paul Hanley for more action images taken here:

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.