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Willowbrook Hospice has retained the Navajo Chartermark!

The Navajo Charter Mark is an equality mark supported by LGBTIQA+ Community networks across Merseyside.

It is a signifier of good practice, commitment and knowledge of the specific needs, issues and barriers facing LGBTIQA+ people.

Following our initial assessment two years ago, Willowbrook Hospice was recently reassessed to ensure that we are meeting the requirements to achieve the award.

The process involved a panel of interviewers who asses the progress and continued commitment to ensuring equality. They do so by assessing our:

• Practices and Policies

• Training

• Staff Recruitment and Engagement

• Monitoring

• Service Users and LGBTIQA+ Engagement

This was done by talking to different staff and volunteers from different areas of the hospice and they also listened to the experience of Neil and Jonathan. Jonathan was an inpatient last year, Navajo assessors were keen to hear about their story.

The feedback was very positive, and we successfully achieved our renewal. Staff were invited to attend an award ceremony in Liverpool to receive our certification.

Members of staff and volunteers attended on behalf of the hospice. We were the first hospice to achieve the chartermark and are now joined by three other hospices.

We join in partnership with local NHS trusts, schools, and councils amongst other businesses from the local area. Together we can share good practice and benefit from free training and support.

We will continue to work towards ensuring that all members of our local community feel able to access our services.

Thank you for your continued support!


Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.