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‘The Space Between’

We have a unique opportunity to invite our supporters to an exclusive art exhibition, ‘The Space Between’- A unique selling gallery of original artwork from emerging artists. Friday, 21 June 2024, visit between 15:30- 19:00. Free event, but booking is essential to ensure you are added to the guest list:…/TheSpaceBetweenArtExhibi… Frodshams Solicitors, Morland House, […]

Smile Month

Last week, our hospice team got together to talk about Mouthcare. We welcomed a guest from RIS Healthcare who demonstrated some new products, and was very informative, reiterating the basics of managing oral hygiene in patients. Within our group session, we had Housekeepers, our Social worker, a ward Doctor, Healthcare Support workers and Nurses who […]

Not Just Travel with Marcus

Over the last 18 months we have been working in partnership with Not Just Travel – Marcus Edwards. In this time Marcus has very kindly donated part of his commission through his work in his pop up shop in our cafe or when a customer mentions Willowbrook Hospice. This means we have benefitted from a […]

Volunteers Week 2024

Last Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June 2024, we hosted afternoon tea sessions for our amazing Willowbrook Hospice volunteers! They were served with tea, sandwiches and cakes by our Senior Leadership Team, Clinical Team and Managers, to thank them for all their time and commitment that they give to our hospice. Without them, we wouldn’t […]

Alex Stringer – Through The Lens

Some visitors to our hospice might have noticed the artwork that we have on display around the building. These glorious images have been captured not by an award-winning photographer, but our very own, Alex Stringer. Alex is a Health Care Assistant on the Inpatient Unit and has had a passion for photography for a number […]

We’re going on a bat hunt!

Last week, we welcomed Billinge Bat Rescue to our Cedarwood Centre to deliver a workshop for our patient ‘Rewild Yourself’ group. They gave us an insight into Bats and educated us on ways we can encourage them into gardens and our hospice grounds. We searched for potential areas to put up a couple of bat […]

How To Look After a Grieving Elephant

Check out what we got up to in our latest session of ‘How to Look After a Grieving Elephant (and other social animals)’ This week our animal investigators explored how wolves show signs of grief and we talked about how we might look after a grieving wolf and how we, as humans can look after […]

Annual Golf Day 2024

Our annual charity golf day took place on Friday 10th May at Houghwood Golf and was once again, a fantastic day was had by all! 21 teams entered, and between them, just under £5,000 has been raised! We would like to thank our sponsors: Wain Homes, Stapleton DerbyPanorama Kitchens, Horizon Business Group, MB Heating Cheshire […]

Volunteers Week 2024

This week is all about our fantastic Volunteers at Willowbrook Hospice! This Volunteers Week, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our amazing volunteers. Your selfless dedication allows us to provide high-quality care to patients and their families. Last year, thanks to your generosity of donated hours, contributed to an incredible 70,686 hours. […]

FC Willowbrook V ADAM Foundation

Our first victory came this weekend on only our 3rd game as a team. Respect to our opposition the ADAM foundation who brought great numbers to make the day a success. The support was a beautiful sight. The money raised will not only assist both charities but will also raise awareness for the work both […]

Due to the current situation with Coronavirus and for the wellbeing of our patients, we kindly ask that all monetary donations are paid direct to our bank account, via online access to Nat West Bank: 

Alternatively, use the DONATE NOW button that appears on each page of our website.

To donate £5, text HELPWILLOWBROOK to 70450.