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Outreach Services

Outreach Services (ORS)

Outreach Services offers holistic support through a series of tiered approaches to support and enable patients with a life-limiting illness to live well. Our focus is on promoting wellbeing and supporting patients to feel connected to whatever is important to them.

Outreach Services can and will be tailor made to best suit your needs be it remotely, in your own home or here at the hospice.

Some of our Outreach services include:

The Outreach Services can and will be tailor made to best suit your needs and wishes be it remotely, in your own home or here at the hospice.

Members of the Team

The team is managed by Kelly De Souza, Outreach Services Manager. The Outreach staff are part of a multi-professional team consisting of nursing staff, family liaison, social worker, complementary therapist, holistic support assistant, spiritual and pastoral teams and an army of volunteers.

Referral Criteria

There must be a palliative/terminal diagnosis with one or more of the following;

Referral Procedure

Referrals to Outreach services are made by any professional involved in a patient’s care. If you feel we can be of any help, please contact your GP, consultant or your community support services such as; District nurse, Macmillan heart failure/COPD team etc. 

Alternatively, individuals wishing to access the service may self-refer* by telephone or by completing our online enquiry form and a member of the Outreach Team will be in touch.

*please note this does not include medical outpatient or social work referrals.

We will review your plan of care with you on a regular basis to ensure you are getting the right care and support. Additionally supportive interventions will be subject to an ongoing review by the multi-disciplinary team.

Attendance Criteria

Outreach Services accommodate people based on their individual needs. Services are Monday to Friday. Patients can attend the services that they feel most comfortable with. Sessions can vary from short half hour sessions up to half a day.

Each day offers a different programme such as; Wellness for you group, remote support via the telephone or virtually or tailored outpatient sessions.

Our Outreach service not only supports with pain and symptom control but it also helps people to address fears, anxieties and worries. Patients are also able to meet and share experiences with other patients who are facing similar challenges.

Patients are introduced to various techniques within the groups or 1-1’s; to help you take greater control over your condition.

Discharge Planning

Patients normally spend a few weeks to a few months with Outreach Services depending on their needs. Outreach staff liaise closely with other professionals involved in the patient’s care e.g. GP’s, District Nurses, Community Nurse Specialists, Social Workers etc. to ensure patients and their families/carers are well supported and their needs are met whilst at home.

If you're interested in the ORS, please complete the webform below.

Outreach Timetable

Outreach weekly timetable - click to view